Volksraad Verkiesings Kommissie

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Volksraad Verkiesings Kommissie Foto HET U AL GEREGISTREER                                                                           ——————-



Die VVK is besig om ‘n verkiesing onder ons eie volk te fasiliteer. ‘n Verkiesing –

1. wat gaan bewys dat ons sin vir vryheid en reg, meer vurig in ons leef as ooit;
2. wat drogredenasies, soos dat “ons nie kan saamstaan nie en nie leiers het nie” gaan ontmasker;
3. wat volksgenote bymekaar gaan bring wat bymekaar hoort;
4. wat ons rondom die enkele gemeenskaplike ideaal van selfbeskikking gaan versamel sonder dat ons verstrengel raak in onenigheid van “waar en hoe” nog voordat sulke kwessies werklik eers ter sprake is;
5. wat ons politieke tradisie van volksoewereiniteit gaan laat herleef.

Hierdie laaste aspek, die herlewing van volksoewereiniteit, moet goed begryp word – want met ons neerlaag in die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog op 31 Mei 1902, het ons ook die beginsel van volksoewereiniteit verloor — en dit was die begin van ons knegskap van vandag.

In ons Vrye Republieke het daar geen politieke partye bestaan nie:

In ons vrye Republieke het daar geen politieke partye bestaan nie. Sedert 1902 is ons verstrengel in die Britse parlementêre stelsel van politieke partye, party-willekeur en ‘n volk wat in ewigdurende vyandige kampe verdeel word deur beroepspolitici. Met die VVK-inisiatief het daardie noodlottige era van party-politiek verbygegaan. Want enige lid van die volk wat as kieser op die VVK-kiesersrol geregistreer is, sal die reg hê om Volksraadslede te nomineer.
Volksraad-kandidate sal in persoonlike hoedanigheid verkies word en NIE as een of ander “grootkop” van een of ander politieke party nie. Daarbenewens sal Volksraadslede wat die selfbeskikkingstrewe op enige stadium mag ondergrawe, demokraties uit hulle posisies verwyder kan word sodra ‘n mosie van wantroue op ‘n volksvergadering aangeneem mag word en sonder dat hulle eers ‘n “termyn” moet uitdien waarin hulle skade op skade kan aanrig.

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Probe ANC and SA Government for genocide charges: http://bit.ly.fzfvvv and http://censorbugbear-reports-blogspot.com/2011_04_06_archive.html



ANC hatesong is religious hymn…

Why is the ANC so adamant to keep using that hatespeech song?

Why is the singing of that hatespeech song Shoot the Boers so important to the ruling ANC that they are so stubbornly defending their right to use it in the country’s highest law courts?  It has everything to do with the regime’s use of the African occult as its most powerful but secret tool to achieve their goal: namely to annihilate all the whites  from southern Africa, says military analyst Pieter Oosthuizen.

The African occult – and its use of powerful songs, symbols, language and often very terrifying ceremonies  —  are all ways to control the ‘black masses’.  Such hatespeech songs replace the ‘Western Imperial religious hymns’  under the ‘liberation theology’ combined with the use of the African occult.  It is one of their most important secret weapons –  and the force behind the ongoing attacks and murders of whites in South Africa. Oosthuizen writes in his book ‘the Genocide of the Afrikaner’, that the use of witchdoctors and the occult underlies all the violence targetting whites throughout South Africa over the past half-a-century.

“Africa ‘s tribes have formed a coalition between the living and the dead, the spiritual and the living dead; the ghostly underworld – to wage war against all the whites, against all the colonial rulers, and especially against the white farmers, because they ‘own the land of their forefathers’. Nzo writes in ‘The History and Development of Struggle Against the South African Apartheid Regime” that this occult-fuelled warfare “will only stop once the battle in Southern Africa between colonial, neo-colonial supremacy and international imperialism has been won’.

ANTI ANC PROTESTORS FICKSBURG AGAINST COPS GETTING BAIL FOR MURDER OF PROTESTOR ANDRIES TATANEAnd despite the fact that the ruling African National Congress now is in formally in charge of South Africa’, they clearly show through their public actions and statements that they have not yet gained their ultimate goal, which is to ‘regain all the land of the ancestors, all the natural resources’ and to destroy every vestige, every reminder, of ‘ international imperialism. ‘ 

Who do you think are the people they are referring to when they speak of ‘international imperialism?


Picture: this old ‘comrade of the struggle’ issued a very clear warning to the ANC when he protested outside the Ficksburg law court on 2 May 2011 against the shocking murder óf a promising young black leader, Andries Tatane, by a large police force: that the ANC was on the wrong path, that ‘police thugs kill’: writing: “Not yet Uhuru, freedom oh Freedom, We will Fight till death…’  This message wasn’t intended for the news media: it was intended for the black population, which believes that their ‘struggle’ is not yet over.


So what does singing Shoot the Boer do for the ruling ANC?

 EXECUTION GAME TAUGHT TO SA KIDS IN TOWNSHIPS TO KILL THE WHITES How does this use of the occult work its ‘magic’ on the death squads of today – those tens of thousands of large gangs armed with AK47s who terrorise and thus steadily ethnically-cleanse entire formerly ‘white’ neighbourhoods and farms in South Africa today? The gangs who get their training from a very early age, for instance by teaching them the ‘execution game’: youngsters practice to shoot whites in the head with very realistic looking toy guns…

Oosthuizen quotes Daneel, writing in Zirrcon: Earthkeeping at the Grassroots in Zimbabwe: “Traditionally the chiefs and the spirit mediums, representing the official links between senior tribal ancestors and their living descendants, wielded considerable political power.  During the (Zimbabwe) freedom struggle the spirit mediums were responsible for a renaissance of traditional African religion: they conveyed the directives and inspirational messages of the senior ‘guardians of the land’ to both ZANLA high command in Mozambique and the fighters at the war front in Zimbabwe. These guardian spirits were believed to be united in a spirit war council, presided over by Mwari, the traditional high- god.Thus all of Zimbabwe’s spirit powers, via their spirit mediums, were directly involved, guiding the struggle and influencing guerilla tactics at the front.” 

Traditional healers in South Africa have become a powerful political influence: they have equal legal rights to Western white medical practitioners and can practice their witchcraft in public hospitals and clinics…

This process is identical to the one used by the ruling African National Congress party in South Africa today. The ‘traditional healers,’ ‘diviners’ and ‘herbal doctors’ move effortlessly across the artificial ‘colonial’  borders of Southern Africa to administer to their tribal relatives on both sides of the border – and because of their growing famine , more black Zimbabweans now live  in South Africa than in their ancestral lands.

South Africa ‘s current leaders, it must be noted, have never announced publicly that they would end ‘the struggle’ – in fact they often are makng a very strong point about this in public statements. Moreover, none of them have ever denounced the use of violence.
And the use of the occult spirit world is used as their main motivational-weapon to incite their followers to continue their ‘terror campaign against the entire West’, writes Oosthuizen.

For Zuma to ignore the warnings by ‘traditional healers’ would be very foolhardy

TRADITIONAL HEALTH PRACTITIONERS ACT ZUMA MUST IMPLEMENT IT MAY122011 The witch-doctors in South Africa today have become all-powerful – a law has been passed which gives them equal legal status to Western medical practioners. Yet this secret terrorism-society is not yet satisfied that all their goals have been achieved: so when a delegation of ‘traditional healers’, left, this week presented a petition to the country’s president Jacob Zuma that he must implement that law in all its facets – they were also reminding him of who was really in charge: his ruling party’s  owed them a great debt to their ongoing contribution to act as ‘links between the ancestors and the living’.


Traditional healers and ‘diviners’ can terrorise an entire community into submission

To ignore such warnings would be very foolhardy: Daneel describes examples of the way in which the warnings of ‘traditional healers’ can be put into action: For instance one of the Zimbabwean terrorist groups faced opposition from the local population and started losing their inspiration. One night in their camp they were confronted by ‘a demon in the form of a sudden wind-squall – in other words the local witchdoctor made clever use of a natural phenomenon. And shortly thereafter a ‘demonic woman appeared in their midst from the bush, warning them that there was something wrong with their food’. The woman screams at the disheartened terrorist group that ‘they have discarded the warnings of the demons’. Later that evening an elderly woman walked into the fighters’ camp: unexpectedly, unannounced, and spirit possessed. From her frail body boomed the voice of Dumbukunyuka, famous Duma prophet of a century ago…. Many of the terrorist-fighters’ food had meanwhile been poisoned by a ‘traditional healer’ and they all felt quite ill. The incident terrified them so much ‘that the fighters in the field were inspired to keep up the struggle by messages from both Mwari and their mhondoro spirits. Then another ‘spirit medium’, Lydia Chabata, appeared: she specialised in fetching medicines for wounded terrorists by ‘descending into the waterworld’ and contacting Seri, the ‘njuzu water spirit’: she was ‘carried down into th emurky depths where the potent njuzu spirit herbs and roots were to be found: “Lydia willingly entered the water passage. Held firmly on both sides, she was swiftly propelled in the depths of the pool, into the njuzu spirit land. In a wink she emerged in the world of the water people, the spirits of the lower soil. As always the sky in the njuzu spirit land was pale blue. This world apparently eschewed darkness. Villages stretched as far as the eye could see. Lowing cattle betokened prosperity. It was a magic sight : the spirit people resembling ordinary humans, side by side with the water–beings; half human, half fish, half snake or crocodile. All had come for the festive rain dance.” Then she emerged and dispensed the ‘traditional medicine’ straight from ‘the occult world’ to cure the poisoned terrorists.

The ANC’s ‘freedom struggle’ isn’t over until all the whites are annihilated

Nzo wrote in his book that ‘all the extensive resources of Southern Africa belonged to the freedom movements’ and that the terror-campaign would not stop until ‘international imperialism has been defeated and international control over our resources has been overthrown.’ And the Christian faith, brought by the missionaries, also is used very effectively by the African Occult.
Daneel writes: ‘Key figures in both religions – particularly the traditional spirit mediums and the African Independent Church prophets –  played an insufficiently recognized role in inspiring the guerilla fighters and in mobilizing massive peasant support for the struggle.’
The African Independent Churches launched the Association of African Earthkeeping Churches(AAEC) – and their extensive network play a powerful role in ‘revolutionary warfare’.

The prophets and priests of these churches were and indeed today indeed still are, active participants: they helped the fighters’ cleanse the community of witches’ by using a local medium to point out suspected ‘traitors’ and members of the security forces: in other words to target them for assassination. The use of Winnie Mandela’s necklace in South Africa – right now – also  is an example of the often deliberately gruesome way in which such pointed out ‘witches’ were and are being executed, aways amidst a very large crowd: fear had to be instilled through example.

The priests also housed injured terrorists, fed them, and treated them. And often, these priests ‘prophesised in the name of the Holy Ghost about the presence of the enemy, about their movements, and whether an intended terrorist act would work.’

Hatesongs replace the traditional Christian songs:

Southern Africa’s ‘black Christian’ churches merely use the Christian symbol – the cross – as decorations which hide their use of the traditional African occult.

Daneel (1991; 18) describes how Robert Mugabe himself would attend the “Heroes Acre’ ceremonies, in which dead terrorists are traditionally reburied: “The tide of the liberation struggle started turning only when the populace, particularly the peasants in the operational area, began to support the fighters on a massive scale, largely due to the intervention of the traditional religious leaders, the masvikiro. Likewise Mugabe’s personal rise to leadership – for all his charisma and unique qualities – rested squarely on the agreement between the people and the fighters.  Our spirit guardians taught the vakomana the traditional code of their forefathers and how to observe it. Thus an effective guerilla strategy was devised under the watchful eyes of the ancestors.”

In this coalition between fighters and populace, between the living and the living dead, lay the strength of the resistance to alien rule.
Many villagers did not understand or fully embrace the tenets of the Marxist–socialist philosophy preached by the fighters.”

And this is the source of the ‘liberation theology’ which was spread through the African Independent Churches: it was merged with the use of such terrifying occult-ceremonies: they use Western Christianity to wage warfare against all the whites in South Africa: their hymns were turned into hatesongs encouraging blacks to kill all the whites. This ‘liberation theology’ has had a devastating effect on Zimbabwe’s population: today millions of Zimbabweans hover on the verge of famine.  Yet the post-liberation Zimbabweans now are seen internationally as ‘free Africans’ instead of being the ‘working slaves’ in one of the most productive agricultural regions of Southern Africa. Yet today these ‘free Africans’ have to beg for food handouts and aid from any other country which cares to help them.

So has this ‘liberation theology struggle’ now suddenly ended when the current ruling troika – the SA Communist Party, the Cosatu trade unionists and the ANC – gained hegemony in 1994?

Armed attacks against whites intensifying all over southern Africa

ArmedAttacksAgainstWhitesSAJan2011_March312011_graph_map Clearly the killing of whites has not stopped: the violence against the whites is intensifying, with an average of 50 deadly and non-letal attacks a day being recorded in the countrywide and in the cities which specifically target whites. (graph) Often the modus operandus is identical: large gangs will watch their target for days beforehand; they carry out reconnaissance on their every move; they even photograph the access routes; and also gaining the help of black workers in the households and the white-owned business before they strike.  Very little of any value is usually stolen: they mainly target communications-tools to stop people from calling for help; or use the victims’ cars to make their getaways in. Often, the head of the household is targetted for assassination in excessively gruesome ways. Often their sexual parts are also removed to take back to the ‘traditional healers to make medicine with’.


And these murder gangs – consistently described as ‘ordinary criminals’ by the ruling ANC –  alsodo not hesitate to execute the smallest white children and even missionaries. However especially the rapidly diminishing number of white farmers – the people who ‘occupy ancestral lands’ are targetted: even though they now occupy less than 24,000 commercial farms – the rest of the more than 85,000 former Boer farms now are in the hands of the State.

Daneel (p95) writes about this preoccupation with land as follows: ‘They were capable of inspiring their descendants to rise against the whites and fight for their lost lands…. the preoccupation with the ancestors was part of a country-wide religious renaissance.  The rise of nationalism coincided with a resurgence of traditional religion. ‘

That’s why the use of powerful ‘warsongs’ also is so important: they replaced the use of Western-Christian religions songs which are seen as representing ‘white imperalism’  with their hate-filled chants: to encourage the comrades to keep on killing:

A Zimbabwean funeral-dirge for a dead comrade is very similar to this song which was sung by the ANC leaders at a funeral: ‘We members of UmkhonteWeSizwe have pledged to kill them all, the Boers, the Amabhulu…’ Nelson Mandela, who sang the ‘religious song’ at this funeral, translated this Xhosa song to enquiring English-language journalists as being ‘a song for peace, democracy, love amongst South Africans…’

The Zimbabwean version:

“Today we grieve for the fighters of Zimbabwe
Grieve ! You brothers and sisters
Grieve ! For the fighters of Zimbabwe,
The fighters were stricken, they were killed
by the mabunhu
We conquered, we shot
The mabunhu.

The fighters were bombed
They were killed by the mabunhu
We conquered, we shot
the mabunhu !

In Zimbabwe, the Mabunhu are the white farmers: in South Africa, they are the ama-Bhulu – but both terms also are generic descriptions for the entire ‘colonial system’ of land-ownership i.a. for all the ‘whites’. They target the white farmers and their kin as the real enemy – the people who ‘stole the land from the ancestors and abused the fertile land at the cost of their black brothers’ — but also their kin in the cities and the Western businessmen who ‘abuse the natural resources of our ancestors’.

With this song and others like it such as Shoot the Boer, and Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer in South Africa, all whites in southern Africa are being singled out as the primary enemy which must be physically annihilated. And this struggle is not yet over: that’s why people must be kept informed – through such songs.

The ‘liberation of the farms’ is of course the first target of all the terror-movements – including the ruling ANC in South Africa. However they don’t limit themselves to farmers: by extention all the ‘natural resources’ must be handed over the black ownership; all the land in towns and cities must also be handed over to blacks. Moreover, all the physical reminders of ‘worldwide imperalism’ – the whites – have to be annihilated, including the Christianity they represent. And in its place must come a ‘revival of traditional African faith-systems’.

That’s why Afrikaners and Boers have started referring to this ongoing terror as the Boer Genocide.  And to try and stop the propaganda and hatechants from encouraging this genocide, their leaders in Afriforum, the Transvaal Agricultural Union and the Solidarity Trade Union movement have obtained a legal High Court Order in Pretoria which this week reconfirmed that singing of this song called for the murder of whites. And that it would be illegal to sing it in South Africa.

Pieter Oosthuizen: “Die Huidige Volksmoord van Afrikaners”.


<iframe width=”480″ height=”390″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/NKiePbTcAfY” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>


  The International Centre for Research on Women now estimates that there are 51million child-brides on the planet, and almost all in Muslim countries. Twenty-nine percent of these child brides are regularly beaten and molested by their husbands in Egypt; twenty-six percent receive similar abuse in Jordan Every year, 3-million Muslim girls are subjected to genital mutilation, according to UNICEF. The practice has not been outlawed in many parts of America.




AFRIKANER KILLED for not wanting to vote

Afrikaner Andries Putter, 20, killed in Boksburg – for not wanting to vote –

Boksburg-North: 20-year-old Afrikaner resident Andries Putter had his throat cut after four black men – in a 4wd vehicle with ANC-stickers — accosted him and his friend ‘Johantjie’, 23, urging them to vote ANC.  The two Afrikaners replied that they would not be voting at all: they were then chased by the four blacks into a veld. Johantjie escaped but Putter fell down:and was found later in a police search with his throat cut. 

17 May 2011 –    The murdered Afrikaner, Andries Putter, was pictured below in the veld after he was found with his throat cut next to Campbell Road in Boksburg North. Local journalist Fanie Mthupha obtained information at the scene and from a female relative that four black males had driven up in a 4wd vehicle and started an argument with Andries and his friend who was only identified as ‘Johantjie’. The two young Afrikaner men were walking when the car with four black males screamed up and accosted them about the upcoming local-government elections. When Andries told them he wasn’t going to vote at all, the black men assaulted and chased the Afrikaners  – and Andries Putter was then found with his throat cut.

 ANDRIES THROAT CUT BY FOUR MEN ANC_STICKER CAR BOKSBURG NORTH MAY162011 It was confirmed by many sources interviewed by Beeld journalists and by LookLocal journalist Fanie Mthupha Their attackers’  car was covered in ANC-stickers — as per information obtained at the scene by Mthupha.  Gauteng SAPF spokesman LtCol Ndou Tshisikhawe, while willing to confirm  the murder of the man at about 8.10pm., was however unable to confirm that the 4wd vehicle had been covered in ANC-stickers. According to Tshisikhawe, the deceased man and a friend (23) were walking next to the open veld in Campbell Road when a double cabbed 4×4 stopped next to them. Four black men started an argument with the two friends regarding the elections. “The debate then became heated,” said the policeman. “The deceased’s friend told the police that the four suspects then attacked them. The deceased and his friend ran in different directions to escape their attackers. One of them ran to a nearby house and the other into the veld,” said Tshisikhawe. “The friend returned after a while to find his friend dead. His throat was slit.” The mother of the surviving victim, and who wishes to remain anonymous, said that according to her son the attackers were travelling in a vehicle with ANC stickers on it. “According to him, the four men confronted them and asked them for which party they are going to vote,” she said. “My son and his friend responded by saying they are not going to vote at all.” Tshisikhawe said: “the SAPS cannot confirm the allegations that the suspects asked the men if they are going to vote and if their vehicle had ANC stickers.” No arrests have been made but police are investigating. An appeal has been made for the public to come forward with information. Contact the police on 086 0010 111.

source: 17 May 2011 Fanie Mthupha


Argument about voting confirmed by Beeld newspaper : interviewed murdered man’s mother, boyfriend Christo le Roux

PUTTER ANDRIES THROAT CUT REFUSED TO VOTE BOKSBURG FRIEND CHISTO LE ROUX Beeld newspaper also confirmed the incident, interviewing the murdered man’s friends, speaking amongst others to Christo le Roux of Cason, in Boksburg. Andries Putter was the son of his girlfriend, Susan Putter. The two young Afrikaner men had been walking in Champion Street, Cason at 8pm. All the people interviewed by the two journalists confirmed that there had been a confrontation with four black men in a vehicle covered in ANC-voting stickers. Christo le Roux said that some friends have told them that Andries and Johantjie had been in a grocery shop nearby earlier in the evening. People overheard the four black men confronting the Afrikaners, and that a row erupted when the two men said they weren’t going to vote at all.The two Afrikaners then left the cafe and were walking back home when the four black men chased them in their 4wd vehicle. Putter fell in the veld while Johantjie ran past him and crawled amongst some reeds in a hole. When things quieted down, he phoned his dad and Andries’ mother – and they alerted the police, which launched a search and found the young Afrikaner’s body. Le Roux also said he’d told police to investigate the criminal Nigerian drugs-gangs which are always flogging their wares on the streets. “  Police spokesman Ndou said ‘all claims and allegations will be investigated.” He urged the community to contact the police if they have any information.



NOT YET UHURU?  –  http://bit.ly/m8JFFX




Toxic radio-active mine water rises 43.7cm a day

Gold Reef City fitter Frans de Vries  invented the Frans Mobile – measuring the rising toxic tide of radio-active, acid mine water threatening the Witwatersrand region…

RANDFONTEIN. One thing Frans de Vries of Robersham is certain of is that he invented one of the valuable devices for Gold Reef City Theme Park. They call it the Frans Mobile, a device used to measure the rising radio-active, acid mine water level in the mine-shaft. The rising mine water – which travels upwards at the rate of 437mm per day, is an ever-increasing ecological threat in greater Johannesburg.

DE VRIES FRANS inventor testing acid mine weater Frans Mobile

“I use a fishing rod and line, bicycle wheel and a washing machine motor to turn the wheel, every turn of the wheel is a metre. As a qualified fitter since 1959, every piece of apparatus I use on this device is perfect,” noted Frans. Mining-engineer Bart Pretorius said: “When mine inspectors told us that we need to be accurate when measuring the water, Frans came with his device. He uses a fishing rod  and a bicycle wheel.”

They started measuring the water level on June 12, 2009. On March 18 2011, the reading was on 53cm. “We measure the water every second week and the graph shows that the water rises at 43.7cm per day. It is safe for our visitors as we took them only 215 metres belowground. “I also don’t believe that this water will affect us anytime soon, we also sent a sample of water to Prof McCarthy at Wits,” explained Bart.

Aislinn Laing, Johannesburg correspondent for the Telegraph in the UK, writes: ‘A toxic tide of acid mine water is rising steadily beneath Johannesburg which, if left unchecked, could cause earth tremors, power blackouts and even cancer among residents, experts have warned’.

Earth tremors detected in South Africa Witwatersrand and Pietersburg region:

Standerton Earthquake 3_4 5km deep Jan182011Augrabies Jan122011 Earthquake 4_2 Richter 5km deep 

Standerton seismograph listen: “http://secundaweather.co.za/seismo/SECWX201101181337_secunda.png


May 17 2011: 07:30 and 0:9.30: Pietersburg: report: Fred Calitz, SAWDIS Observer: ‘ several small tremors: Dogs started growling just before quaking began.No damage.

May 14 2011: 16:10 South Cape, Little Karoo Richter 4.2 damage reported: inspections needed of all dams: http://bit.ly/j5CSQy
Jan 18 2011: 11:37:48  Standerton Area, SA (distance 49.8km)Richter 3.4
Jan 12 2011: 06:14:20 Augrabies Area, SA Richter 4.2

May 17 2011: 07:30 and 0:9.30: Pietersburg: report: Fred Calitz, SAWDIS Observer: ‘ several small tremors: Dogs started growling just before quaking began.No damage.

Jan 18 2011: 11:37:48  Standerton SA (49.8km) Richter 3.4

Jan 12 2011: 06:14:20 Augrabies Area, SA Richter 4.2

 Fact file
*A new pump station and pipeline will cost the taxpayers of South Africa R218million and  only  R14million were made available.
*Acid mine water has been overflowing from western basin located below the Krugersdorp-Randfontein area since 2002.
*In the central basin the acid water is currently rising at a rate of 350mm a day and it is understood this will increase to 900mm a day during the Highveld’s rainy season.
* Radioactive, acid mine water is the result of 120 years of gold mining on the Witwatersrand.
(sources: Lucky Thusi and Aislinn Laing).


MAN KILLED for not wanting to vote

http://bit.ly/lGaEct The brutal killing of a 20-year-old man by four blacks in a car which was covered in ANC-stickers  and accosted two young men in a ‘heated debate over the elections’ shocks community of Boksburg North.

17 May 2011 –    The murdered man, identified only as ‘Andries’ in Twitter-messages, was pictured below in the veld after he was found with his throat cut next to Campbell Road in Boksburg North. Local journalist Fanie Mthupha obtained information at the scene and from a female relative that four black males had driven up in a 4wd vehicle and started an argument with the two young friends, who had been walking next to a field,  about the upcoming local-government elections. When one of the two pedestrian men said he wasn’t going to vote at all, the black men assaulted and chased them – and “Andries’ was then found with his throat cut.

 ANDRIES THROAT CUT BY FOUR MEN ANC_STICKER CAR BOKSBURG NORTH MAY162011 Their attackers’  car was covered in ANC-stickers — as per information obtained at the scene by Mthupha.  Gauteng SAPF spokesman LtCol Ndou Tshisikhawe, while willing to confirm  the murder of the man at about 8.10pm., was however unable to confirm that the 4wd vehicle had been covered in ANC-stickers. According to Tshisikhawe, the deceased man and a friend (23) were walking next to the open veld in Campbell Road when a double cabbed 4×4 stopped next to them. Four black men started an argument with the two friends regarding the elections. “The debate then became heated,” said the policeman. “The deceased’s friend told the police that the four suspects then attacked them. The deceased and his friend ran in different directions to escape their attackers. One of them ran to a nearby house and the other into the veld,” said Tshisikhawe. “The friend returned after a while to find his friend dead. His throat was slit.” The mother of the surviving victim, and who wishes to remain anonymous, said that according to her son the attackers were travelling in a vehicle with ANC stickers on it. “According to him, the four men confronted them and asked them for which party they are going to vote,” she said. “My son and his friend responded by saying they are not going to vote at all.” Tshisikhawe said: “the SAPS cannot confirm the allegations that the suspects asked the men if they are going to vote and if their vehicle had ANC stickers.” No arrests have been made but police are investigating. An appeal has been made for the public to come forward with information. Contact the police on 086 0010 111.

source: 17 May 2011 Fanie Mthupha


South African expat teen who wanted to enrol at Stellenbosch university falls victim to local police-brutality: arrested after trying to stop old man from being beaten up:  the UK-based youth appears in court May 24:his parents dread having to return to SA when their work-contracts expire..


ANC mayor flees weeping from protestors

KROONSTAD MAYOR CHASED OFF MAY132011 ANGRY PROTESTORS ANC-mayor  Mantebus Makgosi weeps, flees from jeering 2,000 funereal demonstrators who mourned the death of Kroonstad – at the centre of the ‘open toilet debacle’ …


“You Raped Kroonstad”

2011-05-13 The local ANC-run Kroonstad mayor Mrs Mantebu Makgosi – centre of the ‘open-toilet-scandal’ wept and fled after she was targetted by 2,000 peaceful demonstrators who showed up all dressed in funereal garb, carrying with coffins and sharply-worded placards criticising her administration. One placard, held up by Giep van Heerde, summarised it all:  “You raped Kroonstad’…


Mrs Makgosi was yelled at and insulted by the large crowd – many of whom were dressed in black funeral clothes and solemnly marched to the municipal officers with a petition signed by 3,500 residents while they were carrying two coffins to symbolise the death of her so-named “Moqhaka-local government council’s funeral’.

The self-styled Moqhaka council gets its rates and taxes from three Free-State towns, Kroonstad, Viljoenskroon and Steynsrus – but the way Makgosi, municipal manager Mcedisi Mqwathi and their other ANC-cronies have abused those taxes, while failing to deliver proper municipal services, has clearly raised so much anger that she had to flee from her jeering, taunting constituents on Friday. The woman, reportedly with ‘quivering lips and weeping eyes’, turned her back on her voters and rushed back into the municipal building with her ANC-councillors and disappeared behind its glass doors.

The mayor: “It’s all your own fault: 50% of you are unemployed…’

Before she did, she’d however lambasted the residents, telling the news media that the filthy mess left in her wake was the residents’ own fault: ‘people don’t pay their service costs, and 50% of all the residents are unemployed,’ she told the news media angrily.

However the years of slowly-rising anger amongst the residents and ratepayers in the 100-year-old Boer town obviously reached a peak on Friday, wrote Volksblad, when some 3,500 people had signed a petition against the collapsing sewerage-system and filthy water. She even drew the ire of the ANC youth league and the Young Communist league, who criticsed her for ‘turning her back on them about the toilet-debacle.’

Mrs Mokgosi – being the ANC-elected mayor – was dispatched by the municipal manager Mcedisi Mqwathi, who was hiding inside. She had to accept the petition on his behalf and speak to the petitioners. Instead, she only spoke some words to the media – but when residents jeered and insulted her, and urged her to speak to them instead – she ran away. Reportedly her eyes were weepy and her lips trembled as she fled indoors.

The funereal-protestors were peaceful up to that point but when she fled indoors, it angered the protestors – amongst them the ANC youths and Young Communist league had criticised her performance ‘because she’d turned her back on them about the toilet-debacle.’
The organisor of the funeral-protest, Mrs Mary-Ann van Aswegen, said Mrs Mogkosi’s flight was ‘a pity’ and the local DA councilllor Mrs Patricia Kopane was critical. “She runs away, If she’d had some respect she would have said something.’
Amongst the  placards: “I’m not drunk I am dodging potholes’; ‘Holes in the Road and Shit in the Water’, “Money for Services not Bigger Salaries’, and ‘Kroonstad: born 1855 – dead in 2011’. PICTURES: JOHAN BRITS, VOLKSBLAD.




SA COPS: death squads for ANC-REGIME

Dutch article by Adriana Stuijt – weekly column for Dutch free-speech news site http://www.artikel7.nu/?p=58646 .

Why has the ANC-regime appointed Solly Shoke as the new defence force chief? He was the top terrorism-specialist targetting fellow-blacks in Operation Vula since the 1980s – you know, those thugs who invented Winnie Mandela’s necklace…


” De Nederlandse schrijver Connie Braam moet reusachtig blij zijn met het nieuws dat een van haar oude ZA vrienden, Solly Shoke – de hoofdterrorist van Operation Vula tegen de apartheid in de toenmalige Transvaal die vooral huishield tegen de zwarte bevolking – vanaf 1 juni de nieuwe chef van de Zuidafrikaanse weermacht wordt. (door Adriana Stuijt.  Op http://www.Artikel7.nu)

  BRAAM CONNIE OPERATION VULA Braam, de Nederlandse anti-apartheidsheldin bij uitstek, speelde volgens haar eigen Shoke Solly MK Operation Vula Transvaal operative head of SANDF June12011boek een zeer spannende rol in Shoke’s Operation Vula. Ze gloeit nog steeds na van al de roem die ze hierdoor in Nederland kreeg toebedeeld.

Maar kunnen wij Nederlanders echt wel zo trots op haar zijn? Operation Vula was een zeer gewelddadige terreur-veldtocht die door de African National Congress van Nelson Mandela tegen hun eigen zwarte bevolking werd ingezet.

Minstens 400 zwarte mensen werden bijv. gelyncht door deze helden van Operation Vula met de zogeheten ‘Winnie Mandela Necklace’ – een benzine-gevulde buitenband om hun nek die in brand werd gestoken te midden van een joelende, schoppende mensenmassa.

Het eerste slachtoffer staat nog steeds op mijn netvlies: mw Maki Skosana, Duduza township, juli 1985, in de toenmalige Transvaal: vermoord tijdens de emotionele begrafenisdienst  van een jongen die zichzelf met een handgranaat had opgeblazen: zij werd ervan beschuldigd door een People’s Court de dader te zijn.  Maki werd eerst uitvoerig tussen een grote massa mannen sexueel gemarteld : zij staken honderden keren in op haar vagina met glasscherven. Daarna werd een buitenband om haar nek gehangen, gevuld met benzine en werd ze in brand gestoken. Daarna werd haar gezicht – haar identiteit dus – vermorzeld met een zware kei.

Sexuele martelingen:  om terreur te zaaien onder ANC-opponenten:

LOTTER HELEN killed with mom ALICE TORTURED TO DEATH ALLANDALE FS MARCH 6 2009Het is dus opvallend dat dit soort martelingen nu ook zeer dikwijls op blanke Afrikanervrouwen wordt toegepast.  Alice Lotter en haar ongehuwde dochter Helen, 57, (foto) die op een boerderijtje in Allenridge, Vrijstaat van de moeder’s pensioen rondkwamen, werden op 6 maart 2009 zo zwaar verminkt door mannen die met glasscherven hun baarmoeders, vaginas en borsten verminkten, dat de nadoodse onderzoeken geen heel stukje baarmoeder terug konden vinden. Na uren van deze martelingen, leefden beide vrouwen zelfs nog toen ze door een politieagent werden gevonden – maar stierven kort erna. De woorden ‘Kill the Boer,’ – werd in hun bloed op een muur geklad.

Shoke zelf kreeg zijn opleiding in dit soort martelen en terreur in de ANC-kampen in Angola zoals Camp Quattro – beschreven als ‘de hel op aarde’ door mensen die het meemaakten – en in de militaire scholen van de destijdse Sovjet-Unie.

En nu worden deze martelmethodes samen met een overweldigende golf van haatspraak zeer veelvuldig opgemerkt – gericht tegen Zuid-Afrikanen van alle rassen die weigeren om de ANC te ondersteunen. Zij worden ook moeiteloos neergeknald door de politie en plaatselijke misdaadbenden.

Vooral de blanke minderheid krijgt het zwaar te verduren:  de Boeren, de blanke agrariërs, bezitten nu nog maar minder als 34,000 van de 100,000 commerciële boerderijen – de rest zijn in het bezit van de ZA Staat. Dit kleine minderheidje Boeren produceert nog steeds het leeuwendeel van al het voedsel voor de plaatselijke bevolking en hebben nog steeds zo’n 350,000 zwarten in dienst  – al zijn ze maar 0.1% van de ZA bevolking. Maar onder de pakweg 3,800+ blanke, grotendeels Afrikaanstalige plattelandse bewoners die sedert 1994 gewelddadig om het leven werden gebracht door zwarte militia-benden, bevonden zich zo’n 1,656 blanke boeren – grotendeels Afrikaners. Er werd onvoorstelbaar veel geweld tegen deze slachtoffers gebruikt: zij werden dikwijls doodgemarteld en sexueel verminkt terwijl ze nog leefden:  zoals de Lotter vrouwen; en Maki Skosana dat ook ondergingen. De Transvaalse Landbouwunie zegt dat een blanke agrariër in ZA het gevaarlijkste beroep ter wereld heeft.


Potgieter Willemien 3 massacred on Lindley farm execution style Dec12010 One Bullet – One White Baby

POTGIETER FAMILY MASSACRE ONEBULLETONEWHITEINFANT TRIAL 16MAY2011 BLOEM HICOURT  Bovendien worden er ook weer al hoe meer mensen  vermoord met de Winnie Mandela Necklace. En de haatspraak zoals ‘One Rope, One Sellout’; ‘One bullet-One White Baby’, (links) “Shoot the Boer’en Kill the Boer’ zijn alom aanwezig op openbare vergaderingen van de ANC – vooral sedert de FIFA WK2010 na juli 2010. In navolging werd bijv. het kleine tweejarige Boerenmeisje Wilmien Potgieter (foto) op 6 december 2010 aan haar rode haartjes opgepakt en met een kogel door haar hoofd terechtgesteld: samen met haar moeder Wilna en vader Attie.  De zwarte jeugdigen en mannen die hiervoor werden gearresteerd, worden als helden bij het gerechtshof in Bloemfontein toegejuigd: hun volgende verschijning is op 16 mei. Geriefsgehalve één dag na de landswijde plaatselijke-regerings verkiezingen, waarvoor 23-miljoen mensen zijn geregistreerd. Potgieter family five of 6 massacre suspects Lindley courtDec132010

Hele generatie ANC-leiders kreeg hun opleiding in de terreur-kampen.. 

Er werd op 5 April jl een officiële klacht ingediend tegen de ANC en de ZA regering bij het internationale gerechtshof in Den Haag om het buitenproportioneel-groot aantal moorden op blanken als genocide te onderzoeken en om te proberen om de ANC regering onder druk te zetten om actief tegen deze groeiende haatspraak-tsunami  op te treden. Onder de Conventie van Rome is het immers onwettig om de bevolking tot genocide aan te zetten met zulke haatspraak.  Maar de ANC-regering reageerde door zeer actief de haatspraak-rechtszaak in het Gelijkheidshof in Johannesburg van hun jeugdleider Julius Malema te ondersteunen.


Toch wordt er in veel Europese regeringskringen nog steeds beweerd dat de ZA regering een ‘democratische regering’ zou zijn – ‘tenslotte nemen er zoveel politieke partijen mee aan de verkiezingen, nietwaar?’ — en dat ze het land uitstekend regeren. En als er dingen af en toe een beetje fout gaan, zou dat natuurlijk alleen de schuld moeten zijn van de ‘gevolgen van de apartheid’ en van de blanken. Het feit dat de ANC-regering deze week meer als 70,5-miljoen stembiljetten liet afdrukken – voor 23-miljoen geregistreerde kiezers  in 4.227 kiesdistricten voor de plaatselijke verkiezingen op 15 mei, doet schijnbaar geen alarmklokjes rinkelen.


Het is natuurlijk wel een feit dat deze generatie in de ZA regering het land regeert  met de methoden die ze tijdens hun terreur-opleiding in die ANC helkampen en in de ANC-geterroriseerde townships kregen — en zij passen deze kennis vooral toe om de bevolking  nu flink onder de duim te houden.

Zuid-Afrikaanse politie schoot tussen 2006 en 2010 minstens 1,373 mensen dood:

 Tatane Andries Shot at close range by police Ficksburg collapses and dies Pic WillemvanderBergVolksblad Deze week waarschuwde bijv. Gareth Newham van de Institute for Security Studies dat de Zuid-Afrikaanse politie veel meer mensen doodschiet  als aan de nieuwsmedia ooit bekend gemaakt wordt. In 2006/7 stierven 281 people mensen wegens deze politie-terreur; in 2007/8 waren het er 568; in 2009/10 minstens 524 mensen waarvan we weten. Ook dit jaar sterven er veel mensen in politie-aanhouding en tijdens ‘misdaadacties’.

Dit geheim werd pas deze maand door de internationale nieuwsmedia gepubliceerd — nadat de SABC-TV staats-nieuwsdienst de dood van de anti-ANC activist Andries Tatane (fotoOdendaal Jeanette EXECUTED BY COP PHONED 10111 sergeant denied bail) in Ficksburg voor hun lens kregen – en de beelden van zijn gruwelijke dood door een in politie-uniforms gehulde,  zwaarbewapende terreur-bende de hele wereld overgingen.

Diezelfde week stierf ook de ongewapende Janet Odendaal (foto rechts) neergeknald in haar auto, geparkeerd voor het Kempton Park politiestation, terwijl ze doodsangst zat te bellen.  Naar nu blijkt, was de aangehouden politie-sergeant Mnape Phineas Kgoale in overspannen toestand naar buitengerend om haar schijnbaar te confronteren omdat ze tijdens het parkeren een politieauto-bumper had geraakt – hij was overspannen omdat hij in echtscheiding ligt en zijn dochtertje niet meer mocht zien ook omdat hij zo gewelddadig was.   Hij was pas een week terug van een rehabilitatie-programma voor zijn alcoholisme; bovendien had hij eerder dit jaar ook behandeling gehad voor zijn ‘geestestoestand’.

VOSLOO MUNNIK 29 CLAIMED SUICIDE BY SAPS FIANCEE DELIA KRIEL FAMILY SAYS ITS MURDER PIETERSE MORNE beaten by cop WELKOM POLICE STATION Diezelfde week werd een jonge armlastige Afrikaner,  Morné Pieterse, (foto) die in Welkom met een politie-detective kwam praten om hem inlichting te geven over een misdaad, door een woedende zwarte politie-klerk in elkaar geslagen; en stierven in April 2011 ook de 19-jarige Frederick Olivier en Munnik Vosloo, 29, in politiecellen: de politie beweerde dat de jonge mannen zelfmoord hadden gepleegd.  En Dr Walter Ward, een man die zich inzet voor het beschermen van de snel-slinkende kudde rhenosters,  werd gearresteerd in Naboomspruit met de bewering dat zijn wettig-geregistreerde wapens onwettig zouden zijn, en werd door de Naboomspruitse politie in een cel met zware criminelen gegooid waar hij door 9 zwarte mannen werd afgetuigd en langdurig gemarteld.  De Naboomspruitse politie weigerde bovendien om Ward vrij te laten – zelfs nadat rechter Hans Fabricius de politie zelf had gebeld met de eis om zijn bevel van het hooggerechtshof om de blanke agrariër vrij te laten, onmiddellijk uit te voeren.  Wet en orde schijnen dus al hoe minder belangrijk te zijn voor de ZA politie: zij treden al hoe meer op als  plaatselijke vigilante-groepen: zij arresteren, martelen, en executeren zelf.  Zij storen zich niet aan bevelen van een Hoofdgerechtshof.

Onwettige aanhouding, martelingen door de ZA politie:

Potgieter Theuns 33 Kept6DaysInIllegalArrestPRETORIAMOOT legal gun confiscated Potgieter Theuns kicked in stomach by COPS Apr2011  Zo werd op 21 April 2011 de 33-jarige Afrikaner Theuns Potgieter in een garage in Gezina, Pretoria kwaadaardig geschopt en geslagen door de politie – die beweerden dat zij hem kwamen arresteren omdat hij een wettig handwapen voor zelfverdediging bij zich droeg — een noodzaak in het zeer gewelddadige Zuid-Afrika, met  het gemiddeld 89 moorden/doodslagen per dag… Na zijn mishandeling werd Potgieter onwettig zes dagen lang in een cel gezet, waar de politie hem alle toegang tot het gerechtshof, familieleden en rechtsvertegenwoordigers weigerde. Het was ook nooit bekend geworden behalve dat de beelden van de beveiligingscameras in het benzine-station aan het Afrikaanse blad Beeld werden gegeven.

Dit zinneloze geweld is al jaren aan de gang:

BrownJamesbeatentodeathKrielPoliceStationJune920089 Brown James 98 Alzheimer sufferer arrested for forgetting to pay for chocolate bar KRIEL SAPS beaten to death in KRIEL cell_2 Bovendien is dit zinloze geweld al jaren aan de gang sedert 1994:  bijvoorbeeld werd de 98-jarige James Brown van het kleine dorpje Kriel in de Vrijstaat doodgeslagen in een politiecel. De verwarde Alzheimer-patiënt was op een slechte dag zijn huis uitgewandeld, en at in een  supermarkt een chocolade-reep. Hij werd door een woedende zwarte cassiere en een mensenmassa naar de politie gesleept: en ingesloten voor de nacht.  De politie weigerden resoluut  om naar de smeekbeden van zijn bezorgde familieleden te luisteren: en ook de supermarkt wilde de klacht niet terugtrekken nadat de familie voor de reep had betaald. Brown lag de hele nacht alleen in de cel en was er onbezeerd binnen gebracht volgens een groot aantal getuigen.  De volgende ochtend werd hij door zijn familie doodgeslagen teruggevonden  – in zijn cel met deze verse hoofd- en gezichtwonden.  De politie beweerde dat hij dat zelf had gedaan.

In 2010 stierven 566 mensen gewelddadig in politie-aanhouding:

De statistieken van de gezondheidsdiensten vertellen ons dat dit soort dingen dikwijls gebeurd terwijl mensen in politie-aanhouding zijn of tijdens hun arrestaties in Zuid-Afrika. Tussen oct 2009 en oct 2010 stierven er 566 mensen op ‘onverklaarbare wijze’ in de politiecellen alleen al.


Waarom zijn specifiek de zwarte Zuid-Afrikaanse mannen zo gewelddadig?

MATOANE prof Matshepo UNISA warns of psychotic violence in black Turbo_Aids infected men Waarom is Zuid-Afrika zo’n uiterst gewelddadige maatschappij geworden in zo’n zeer korte tijd sedert 1994? Het kan niet alleen te wijte zijn aan de cultuur van geweld onder de huidige leiderschap in de regerende troika-coalitie – al zijn dit allen mannen en vrouwen die met hun eigen ervaring geleerd hebben dat ‘terreur werkt’ en dat ‘democratie en geweldloos’ alleen woorden zijn die men gebruikt in propaganda-verklaringen aan de buitenlandse nieuwsmedia.

Volgens een top psychiater van de UNISA universiteit, professor Matshepo Matoane, heeft deze groeiende geweld-psychose mogelijk ook een medische oorzaak. Zij begon al in september 2008 te waarschuwen dat vooral zwarte mannen – die meer testosteron produceren als de doorsnee Westerse of Asiatische mannen – blijken zeer gewelddadig te worden als ze ook nog besmet zijn met Turbo-AIDS – de dikwijls dodelijke combinatie van resistente tuberculose en Aids.  Matoane waarschuwde tijdens een lezing bij de Salhanda militaire academie dat volgens haar eigen werkervaring, de zwarte mannen die aan Turbo-Aids lijden, dikwijls in toenemende mate een gewelddadige psychose ontwikkelen.

Geweld-psychose door AIDS-TB besmetting

Zij waarschuwde dat zulke besmette mannen ‘ een Staatsgevaar’ vormen als ze dan bovendien ook nog toegang hebben ‘tot het gesofistikeerde wapentuig in het leger’.

Maar dit geldt natuurlijk ook voor de ZA politie. Matoane waarschuwde dat hun ziekte-syndroom ”een vernietigend psychologisch effect op zulke patiënten heeft: zij worden buitengewoon zelf-vernietigend, kwaadaardig en wraaknemend, en weigeren om bevelen te aanvaarden van hun bevelvoerders.’ “Zulke besmette mannen met toegang tot ‘dodelijke, gesofistikeerde wapens vormen een dodelijk gevaar voor de veiligheid van de Staat.’ Dat jaar waren er al 22,000 van de toenmalige 55,000 ZA militairen (40%) besmet met AIDS+TB besmetting. De statistieken daarna zijn onbekend: de ZA regering besloot dat het onwettig en tegen hun mensenrechten zou zijn om zulke besmette mannen niet in de weermacht en de politie op te nemen.

in 2008 stierven 87 per 100,000 zwarte ZA mannen door geweld van andere mannen:

Dat jaar werd het ook bekend dat er 87 mannen per 100,000 in ZA stierven wegens gewapend geweld – het hoogste ter wereld.
Er werd op 10 November 2010 in het ZA parlement een geheim verslag gepubliceerd door de ‘Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation’  waarin ‘de onderliggende oorzaken van de gewelddadige misdaad, de subcultuur van geweld en kriminaliteit, waarin jonge zwarte mannen zich begeven in Zuid-Afrika’ werd uitgstippeld. Dit verslag werd nog steeds niet volledig gepubliceerd. Er werden stukken ervan in de nieuwsmedia gepubliceerd door opposisie parlementariër Patrick Maynard – en  waaruit bleek dat jonge zwarte mannen in Zuid-Afrika zich alleen nog konden handhaven als ze actief deelnamen aan alle vormen van geweld, waaronder bende-verkrachtingen, en dagelijks gebruik maken van vuurwapens, messen, machetes en soortgelijke gewelddadige wapens.
“Dit maakt de huidige epidemie van de gewelddadige misdaad in Zuid-Afrika buitengewoon kwaadaardig (‘malevolent’).

(Previous article:  “Zuma angers millions of Christians” http://www.artikel7.nu/?p=57890 )



Amnesty alert over SA police brutality

Amnesty International flags SA police brutality

Amnesty International’s Report 2011 has flagged police torture, deaths in custody, extrajudicial killings and threats to the work of human rights defenders as matters of concern in South Africa. It cited Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD) figures for April 2009 to March last year, which recorded five direct complaints against the police of torture and 920 complaints of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm by the police –  and only some of which were being investigated for evidence of torture. Seven of 294 deaths in custody were linked to torture and 90 others to “injuries sustained in custody”.

COETZEE LINA 85 BRUTALLY ASSAULTED IN POSTMASBURG STATE HOSPITAL BY BLACK MEN MAY 7 2011 The ICD also investigated 24 complaints of rape by police officers.

Also of concern to Amnesty were proposed changes to the Criminal Procedures Act that would allow police to use deadly force against a suspect resisting or fleeing arrest, where they believe there is a risk of “future death” if the suspect escapes. This, it noted, allowed for the use of deadly force “in circumstances beyond those allowed by international human rights standards”.



The report also raised concerns over threats to freedom of expression and the work of human rights defenders.

It cited, among others, the trial of 12 supporters of housing rights movement Abahlali baseMjondolo on charges relating to violence in the Kennedy Road informal settlement in 2009 and the unlawful arrest of Sunday Times journalist Mzilikazi wa Afrika after his reports on an alleged hit squad linked to senior Limpopo provincial government members.

Also of concern were ANC proposals for a media appeals tribunal and the tabling of the “draconian” Protection of Information Bill.

Amnesty International did not however condemn the ongoing genocide of the Afrikaners under the ANC regime.


Afrikaans singer Steve Hofmeyr: challenge with q’afir-song

Popular, outspoken Afrikaans-language campaigner, the composer/singer Steve Hofmeyr has gone and done it. His new song is enraging the black South African community.He has thrown down the gauntlet – challenging ANC youth league leader Julius Malema about his continuous demonisation of the Afrikaners and inciting his followers by chanting  ‘ Shoot the Boer. ‘ If Malema can sing songs which incite people to kill his fellow-Afrikaners, than Hofmeyr figures he can also sing his new song  – and  which contains the word ‘kaffir’: Other than Malema’s chant, Hofmeyr’s new song does not however call for the annihilation of anyone – contrary to the genocidal chants sung by this crowd at Malema’s hatespeech trial in front of the Johannesburg Equality Court’s steps.  The trial resumes on May 19.MALEMA TRIAL BARRAGE OF HATESPEECH SCREAMERS TO INTIMIDATE AFRIKANER WITNESSES

Steve Hofmeyr’s new song – lyrics

“My hart klop toktokkie waar hy breek vir my volk
Voor die kakie kanon of die kaffer se dolk
Dit maak nie meer saak nie waar ons ons begeef
Ons sal dit oorleef…

Ek lig my oë tot die berge op
Waar sal my hulp tog vandaan kan kom
Ag my God jou woorde lê deur my geweef
Ons sal dit oorleef…”


My heart beats toktokkie where it breaks for my people
against the English (Khaki) canons or the Kaffir’s dagger
It matters none where we now are heading
We will survive this ordeal …

I raise my eyes to the mountains
ask where will my help arrive from?
Oh my Lord your words are woven within me…
We will survive this ordeal…

42 reasons why Malema should stop demonising Afrikaners:

Steve , who runs the Stop Boer Genocide campaign on  Face book,  also published 42 reasons why Malema should start zipping up his mouth and stop demonising the Afrikaners.

He writes:Afrikaners/Whites are suffering from confession fatigue. Even their childen are now paying for the ‘sins of their forefathers’.’They have had to admit to past injustices and are now made to apologise for any prevailing failures. They are secondhand citizens made to pay firsthand taxes. Blaming them is a relief valve for black leadership who has demonstrated zero accountability, confusing self-enrichment with achievement… Hatespeech Songs (kill the Boer) are sung by ANC leadership and met with quiet insolence and even pride… “  (more:)



Hofmeyr Steve 42 reasons for Malema to stop demonising AfrikanersBoers

The Afrikaner genocide – videos by Solidarity Trade union:





Aveline Botes dies in high-speed kidnap terror

Dead: Aveline Botes; her kidnapper, and a police-constable. Injured: w/o Olifant Mokoena

2011-05-12 HARRISMITH. Mrs Avelene Botes was kidnapped by five hard-core armed black criminals during their escape from the local magistrate’s court on May 11 2011;  she was taken on a wild ride  – and died in hospital after her Mercedes crashed at high speed into a shop wall in Bluegumbush. The crash also killed the criminal driving her car.  During the escape, a police-constable was shot dead execution style, warrant-officer Olifant Mokoena was seriously injured, and their handgun and two R2 high-powered assault carbines stolen.

BOTES AVELINE KIDNAPPING DEATH LARGE GANG MAP The drama started at 10:40am when five arrested suspects of an armed robbery escaped during a wild shootout at the magistrate’s court.The gang ‘s leg-irons had already been loosened inside the prison van as they arrived; they grabbed a constable’s service revolver and shot him dead. The gang then seriously injured warrant/officer Olifant Mokoena, got hold of two R5 military assault rifles, with which they spilled into the street, shooting indiscriminately while trying to find a get-away-car.
Mrs Aveline Botes was just driving past with her white Mercedes and they kidnapped her.  Bystanders and guards at the court exit fell flat, scattered and hid in a massive panic while the gang threatened them with the guns. Mrs Botes then was taken for a high-speed ride: but as they always seem to do, the gangster who drove the white Merc llost control, crashing it against a shop-wall in Bluegumbush near Phuthaditjhaba – where he died behind the wheel. The critically injured Mrs Botes was rushed to hospital where she died: the Volksblad newspaper claims she’d ‘probably died of a heart attack.’ Her nephew Petrie Jonker was in shock about his aunt’s death, Volksblad reported.

And one witness, businessman André Bester of Stuart Street, saw Mrs Botes’ kidnapping take place right in front of him, and it was also witnessed by colleagues. He feels very badly: “we wanted to help but those guys had guns pointed at us,’ he said. “We first saw the men running down the street. We saw their weapons when they turned towards us. They tested the car-doors of parked vehicles. When auntie Avelene came around the corner with her car, they stopped her at once, shoved her into the passenger’s seat and chased off. She tried to climb out but they dragged her back inside.’

Another female witness confirmed this, and irrelevantly mentioned that Mrs Botes was wearing ‘something white’, then adding: “at one stage the door was open, they grabbed her back. It was terrible.’
An unnamed police officer said that the six robbery-suspects were brought to the court in a police van: they were due in court on charges of attempting to escape before. The suspects’ ankle-chains were already lose when the van was opened. “they immediately grabbed the constable’s pistol and shot him in the head’, the unnamed policeman told Volksblad. Warrant-officer Moekoena rushed in to help: but was shot eight times. One suspect immediately  handed himself over during the escape of the other men; but the other five had run off with the pistol and two R5s.’
Security guards at the court-entrance said they had to fall flat because the escapees were shooting about themselves wildly, indiscriminately. “They just ran from the entrance and fired into the street, pa-pa-pa. We were scared. We though they were going to shoot us all’. A long blood-trail at the court house was silent testimony to the drama while Volksblad was at the scene and the wounded police officer was running around frantically searching for help. He was rushed to hospital.
Meanwhile the four surviving suspects are back in a police cell.
– Volksblad http://www.volksblad.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Gyselaar-sterf-in-bloedige-drama-op-Harrismith-20110512